From the information we gathered over three weeks, we defined key insights to help guide our design process.
Insight #1
The district has experienced systemic structural change recently which
has added challenging complexity. Our solution must be flexible and sustainable to work.
“There have been a lot of changes in the last few years. This district is in real transition
and not everyone is on board with any initiative.”
– English Teacher
Insight #2
Teachers already juggle several responsibilities and lack available time to accomplish everything
they'd like to. A new initiative would have to justify the use of limited resources.
“We have a lot of great ideas, but it’s scary to implement something new because you don’t want to put students
at a disadvantage for standardized tests.”
– Math Teacher and Academic Coach
Insight #3
Students feel a greater sense of urgency, pride, and ownership over their education when their work is
shared with the greater community. Our solution should strive to promote community visibility.
“There’s a huge need for school and community partnerships. It helps students to see how the community functions and shows the community how the schools are preparing students to be worthwhile community members.”
– Music Teacher and Parent